Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hoooorahhhh for snow!!!!!! Yes, we get very excited with our little flurry dow here. Just as the school bus was dropping off the kids this afternoon, it started turning from sleet to snow. They had a blast. Now we are in the Christmas mood even more, didn't think that was possible. Loved it!

Monday, September 29, 2008

New stuff

The last week of August, we bought a whole lotta stuff. A house, car, furniture and all the other things you need right away. And I don't really like to shop! I knew this was coming because we sold off everything before moving overseas. It was just sooner that expected and a bit overwhelming. The girls and I are pretty settled in now. The walls may stay bare for a while though! School is great, my kids expectations are very low - understanding the language and not being stared at! So they actually want to go. The cul-de-sac I moved to has a lot of kiddos riding bikes and playing outside everyday, we love it. It's nice to visit with other mom's who don't stare at me and speak a different language :-) We are very blessed.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back in the USA

A few months ago, the girls and I moved back to the states while Mark stayed in China. It was very sudden and unexpected. That decision took about five minutes and two days later the girls and I touched down in the USA. Prior to leaving China, Kathryn had quickly become seriously ill, and Lisa was not far behind. Both girls were developing asthma due to the environment. Additionally, Kathryn caught a nasty respiratory infection that sent her downhill fast. She had further complications due to some scar tissue from being incubated as a newborn. She was having a hard time breathing, not getting enough oxygen and just bad spasms. I was watching my little girl coughing, turning blue and gasping for air and couldn't do anything for her. I took her to doctors, but the treatment in China was not working. I finally got an appointment with an English doctor in Shanghai. After looking at Kathryn and doing a lung function test, she asked when we were going back to the US and if we really needed to return to China! Basically, if she stayed in China, Kathryn's lungs would get back to a decent function, but she would most likely keep getting infections and never be at 100%. That was the scariest conversation I have ever had! All is well now, Kathryn made an amazing recovery. It was so fast her doctors were very impressed. Lisa is great and I still have my sanity, kinda! I gotta say, I have learned to let it go and pray - it will all work for good! Having your family split on opposite sides of the Earth is not easy, but we can handle it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008



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Back again

So I check often to see if I can post on my blog, for months it has been a no go. Today I got on! And of course there is nothing to post about so here are a few pics from a recent outing with Lisa.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It is cold here. The kiddos don't even want to stay out long. Today is especially windy, but bright and sunny. Not clear though, the horizon is always a shade of grey. Tomorrow the official Chinese holiday is over and all the chinese employees will return to work. Everyone from the U.S. has worked regular hours. The girls and I have enjoyed going to the office while it is empty. The schools do not start until the 18th. Can't wait! Oh, my phone is working again! Found out it needs a transformer for the power outlet. Why it worked for a year without one, who knows!